How To Remove Tape In Hair Extensions And Refit At Home

Being on lock-down has its advantages and disadvantages – one of the disadvantages being that we have no choice but to remove tape in hair extensions at home (amongst other things we’d rather pay a professional to handle). So, if you are one of the ladies whose tape in extensions are in need of a removal and a refit, this blog is for you! Today we are going to talk you through how to remove your tape in extensions at home.

Tape in extensions are amazing and blend so flawlessly. They are lightweight, easy to use and suit a lot of hair types, and we love wearing them day and night. We also tend to keep them in for a while because they tend to last longer.

(If you haven’t already you can read our article on How to Fit Tape In Extensions at Home)

However, as you may already know, on average, tape in extensions last around 4-8 weeks before they have to be refitted. And since most countries have been on some type of lockdown for a few weeks now, it’s time to consider how to remove and refit them at home.

Good quality tape in extensions is easy to remove and reuse. If you are using synthetic extensions, it will be a lot harder to reuse and keep them in good shape. This guide is simple and easy to follow, even for a hair extensions novice. You also need to know how to reuse them effectively and take care of them.

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Removing Tape In Extensions At Home

If you are feeling like it is plaster on your scalp being ripped off, you are doing it wrong. You should use your hair oil for this to help you make the process as smooth as possible.

We have a specialist tape remover that can help you will this process so it stays incredibly simple. It’s designed to remove your hair extensions without damaging your natural hair. This no mess, non-alcoholic oil-based tape extension remover is enriched with refreshing citrus oils for safe and damage-free removal.

Tape In Removal Process And Reapplication

Step 1: Take Them Out

Separate your hair to expose the tape then spray the tape remover on and leave for about a minute. Give yourself a good scalp massage as you rub it in with your finger. Work it in with your thumb and fingers, and gently pull the two pieces of tape apart like two pieces of Velcro. The oil will also help with any residue for when you shampoo and condition your hair.

If you feel it still has residue, spray between the tapes and pull apart, you’ll be able to comb out the hair.

Step 2: Get Rid Of The Tape Considering that you just used oil on your roots and extensions we would suggest doing the next stage in the bathroom to sort the extensions out.

Hold your extensions just below your tape with one hand and slowly peel the tape off the roots with the other. Your aim is to get the tape off in one piece so that the ends don’t get hidden. If the roots remain a bit stick, that is fine, don’t change that. It will ensure that your new tape sticks on easily when reapplying.

Step 3: Wash Your Extensions

The biggest challenge for this step is keeping your hair together at the roots. This will help keep the hair level for reapplying you tape later. Make sure you thoroughly wash your locks to get out any product build up and the oil you put on earlier. Let them air dry overnight to keep them healthy.

Once they have air-dried overnight you are ready to put the tape back on.

What are Tape In Hair Extensions | Pros and Cons | Cliphair UK

Step Number 4: Applying New Tape

Applying new tape is super easy and the trick to getting the tape lined up perfectly. Doing this with your extensions lying down is the best way of doing this. Make sure that your tape is stretched out flat and that you ensure that it is attached along the top in a straight line. You need to cut your tape do so after you have it attached to your extensions, so you have the size right.

We always recommend getting your tapes put in professionally for the best results, so the next best thing is getting some help from someone else. If not, make sure you concentrate and keep a steady hand.

Clarifying shampoo prior to getting tape ins is extremely important but once those extensions are in, wait two days before you wash your hair again so that it sticks ok.

Will you be removing your hair extensions at home? Let us know, and don’t forget to hastag #WearCliphair to show off your newly refitted tape in extensions on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

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